The Great Steam Fleet
DRRY Engine Numbers 326, 284, 308, 442 and 9.
NOTICE: Any and all information, data, images or drawings published as part of this web site have been prepared solely for the non-commercial amateur engineering use of designers, builders, maintainers or operators of one-eighth scale model railway track, locomotives or rolling stock. It has been compiled from information sources believed by Lake Forest Live Steamers Railway Museum Incorporated and any author credited to be competent. However, recognizing that each component of any system must be designed and installed to meet the particular circumstances, Lake Forest Live Steamers Railway Museum Incorporated and any author credited assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind in connection with the information, data, images or drawings published as part of this web site that are used in any way by any person or organization and makes no representations or warranties of any kind hereby.
All data and images on web site domain jghtech.com
copyright Jeffrey G. Hook 1997-2025
Website hosting of LFLSRM Inc. materials is provided
gratis by Jeffrey G. Hook in order to promote the ongoing
educational endeavors of the LFLSRM Inc.